Tucson Open Kyokushin Karate Tournament.
We will be hosting the first annual Tucson Open Kyokushin Karate Tournament.. Scheduled for May 12, 2018, at Rincon Vista Middle School Gym located at 10770 East Bilby Rd Tucson, Arizona 85747. Doors open at 8:15 am.
This event is open to all schools, styles and organizations. We will have Kata, Semi-Full Contact and Full Contact events (Traditional Kyokushin Rules)
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. We would love to see everyone there.
Also see our Facebook Page at "Tucson Open Kyokushin Karate Tournament".
In my opinion:
The meaning of "OSU" is often over looked. Many students use this phrase in our Dojos with a casual air of tradition. As I matured in my training, OSU became more simple and clearly defined. Words from other
cultures do not always translate to English fully. I believe OSU means you have my full attention..
OSU is a very Zen mind set (no past ,future, only the moment before you). This allows you to be 100% in the moment.. It means focus,
purpose, reaction, and maximum result of ones efforts as well as genuine and honest respect.
" KaiZen..! "
Sensei Larry Swanser
4th Dan Kyokushin Karate
2nd World Seido Karate
We will be closed Christmas week and New Years Eve, if you want to train during this time please let us know and we will make arrangements.
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In my opinion
This maxim can
be a road map for complete growth through out our lives. It says to me: That we
grow inner selves through our physical training. As our bodies slow down and
age, our spiritual and inner self pick up our development . As Mas Oyama said to
Our own Sensei : "Life is a preparation for death"
Sensei Lar
KaiZen..! "
Osu !
Hello. I want to comment on this quote from Sosei.
In my opinion he is advising us to be free of bias and judgment. In other words, we are most effective and in control when not pre occupied in our minds with thoughts that may distract us in the moment. This allows us to meet each new moment without "monkey chatter". When we reach self-awareness, confidence, and faith we can smile in fearlessness.
" KaiZen..! "
Hello and Osu !
When I recall this quote by our Sosei, at first it
seemed a slow and narrow existence. But, as time went by I discovered it leads
to beautiful, fulfilling and more complete personal journey. To pass this on by
guidance and self example is the ultimate purpose for our continued development
in life. A living breathing Zen existence.
Sensei Lar
"KaiZen..! "