Vail Invitational Tournament Hosted By Vail TKD Acadamy
This Saturday 8 of our Kyokushin Karate students will be participating in the Vail Invitational Tournament at the Rincon Vista Middle School. This event is being put on by Master Wesley Lee and his Vail Taekwon Do Acadamy. Doors open at 8:00 am, the students will be taking part inpoint sparing and forms.
We would like to thank Master Lee for inviting us, as our style is not known for these type of competitions. Our goal is to spread our art (all arts) to as many people as possible and not wall our selves off based on style or organisational differences. I am glad to see others believe is this as well, Osu! This is a great step foreword and we hope to continue to build on this.
Please come out and show yours support for the kids, this is the first time they have taken part in this type of event and we hope to see future multi-style events soon!
Sensei Bill
Sensei Scott
Sempai Joe